Prairie Pilot: Lady Luck was on My Side; The Stories of Walter D. Williams

  • Format eBook
  • Author Walter D. Williams / Deana J. Driver
  • Publish Date September 19, 2008
  • ISBN 978-098-79643-97


Description:  The late Walter Williams, a ‘character’ and International Harvester dealer in Kerrobert, Saskatchewan, wrote 100 true short stories about his flying adventures in the 1950s. Walter wrote about some of his most helpful and humourous experiences flying a small plane to transport pregnant women, injured children, police officers, teachers, corpses, criminals and thrill-seekers to more than 75 communities in west central Saskatchewan and beyond, often ignoring bad weather and common sense in his efforts to help others.

​© 2008; Ages 12 to Adult; Nonfiction; Biography; Memoir; Transportation; Aviation; Rural life; Saskatchewan; Alberta; Prairie Provinces; Saskatchewan author; Canadian.

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