Never Leave Your Wingman: Dionne and Graham Warner’s Story of Hope


  • Format Trade Paperback
  • Author Deana J. Driver
  • Publish Date January 24, 2012
  • ISBN 978-0-9810394-9-7


Description: “Woo Hoo!” laughs seven-time cancer survivor Dionne Warner as she dances around in costume inside the Allan Blair Cancer Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan. Dionne and her fun-loving husband Graham have battled cancer head-on with laughter, joy, courage, and hope since Dionne’s December 2009 diagnosis of Stage IV cancer of the liver, lung and bone. They made their way into chemo dressed as pirates (The Last Saskatchewan Pirates), a cowboy and cowgirl (Save A Horse Ride A Cowboy), disco dancers (Disco Inferno), rock stars (Thunderstruck), and more! Along with conventional chemotherapy, Dionne has taken complementary treatments in Mexico, seen a natural medicine doctor, and is on a special diet with supplements to help her fight the cancers. Dionne has shared her story with patients and cancer organizations including Relay For Life and CIBC Run for the Cure, and raised more than $50,000 for cancer research by selling cancer awareness merchandise through her “Little Shop of Hope.” When Dionne was diagnosed with liver cancer in 2001 after beating breast cancer and brain cancer, she told Graham, who was her fiancé at that point, that he did not have to marry her – she would return to her home in Toronto, Ontario. An experienced pilot, Graham quickly said: “You never leave your wingman.” This is an unforgettable, inspiring true story and a lesson in love.

$1 from every Never Leave Your Wingman book sold is donated to cancer research and patient support programs.

Awards/Honours: Honourable Mention, Biography, 2013 Great Midwest Book Festival
ISBN 978-0-9810394-9-7; 6″w x 9″h; 272 pages; 263 colour photos. 
© ​2011. Second printing 2012. Ages 13 to Adult; Nonfiction; Cancer; Health; Biography; Motivational; Inspirational; Canada; Saskatchewan; Humour; Romance; Hope; Saskatchewan author; Canadian.

Also available as an e-book from Kobo, Apple, Amazon, and more. Search e-book vendor sites by book title or author name.

About the Author: Deana J. Driver is an award-winning journalist, author, editor, and book publisher in Regina, Saskatchewan. She was a freelance journalist for more than 30 years and is the founder and CEO of DriverWorks Ink, which publishes inspiring nonfiction books and other genres connected to nonfiction, written by Prairie authors. As a journalist, she had more than 2,300 articles published in Canadian newspapers and magazines. Deana (pronounced dee-na) has written six nonfiction biographies and historical books and has contributed stories to 12 anthologies, including the Flight: Stories of Canadian Aviation and the Fun On The Farm series.

Responses from Readers:

  • “This is the best book I have ever read without a doubt. I gave the book to my daughter to read. I hope she’s taking care of it because I had it on display in my bedroom and I want it back.”
  • “Thank you for writing this book. Dionne is so inspirational.”
  • “My husband has cancer. Someone gave us this book. It is out of this world. Just fabulous. It gave me such hope.”
  • “Just finished reading Never Leave Your Wingman and it is great! Anyone with cancer or any illness, family members, friends and caregivers, professional and nonprofessionals can learn so much from this inspiring story!”
  • “I’m a cancer patient. I haven’t read a lot of books in this last year but I read this one in two days. I couldn’t put it down.”
  • “I laughed and I cried. And I cried and I laughed. I read it in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down. Great book!”

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