Tunnels of Terror: Moose Jaw Time Travel Adventure #2


  • Format Trade Paperback
  • Author Mary Harelkin Bishop
  • Publish Date September 29, 2021
  • ISBN 978-1-927570-67-8


Description: (Moose Jaw Time Travel Adventure #2) Andrea has absolutely no desire to go back to Moose Jaw. In fact, she’s having nightmares about the last time she was in the terrifying tunnels beneath its streets! But after agreeing to accompany her little brother, Tony, to visit their grandparents in Moose Jaw, she gets drawn back into those dark tunnels with him. Soon, they have both fallen back in time to the 1920s and are caught in a scary situation with a gang of criminals. Can they find their courage to expose the crooks for their dastardly deeds? And even if they can, will Tony and Andrea be stuck in the past forever?

Updated and republished by DriverWorks Ink and Emmbee Ink.

This updated second book in the bestselling Canadian classic adventure series features language that has been modernized since the book’s initial release. Readers and educators will also enjoy the addition of 10 black and white illustrations, Historical Notes, Useful Resources, Q and A with the Author, Discussion Questions, and a “You be the Writer” section.

Awards/ Honours: Best Books for Kids & Teens 2022, Junior and Intermediate Fiction (for Tweens ages 8 – 14) by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre.
ISBN 978-1-927570-67-8 5.5″w x 8.5″h; 248 pages; cover art and 10 illustrations by Wendi Nordell. © ​2021; Ages 9 and up; Juvenile fiction; Young Adult Fiction; Adventure; Historical Fiction; Family; Change; Co-operation; Friendship; Determination; Canadian History; Literacy; Education; Learning resources; Prairie Provinces; Saskatchewan author; Canadian. 

Available as an e-book from Kobo, Apple, Amazon, and Overdrive. Search e-book vendor sites by book title or author name.

About the Author: Mary Harelkin Bishop is an award-winning author of numerous bestselling juvenile historical fiction books. She has been a teacher, a teacher-librarian, and an educational/ instructional consultant with Saskatoon Public Schools, having spent more than half her career working in core neighbourhood schools and First Nations schools. She resides in Saskatoon and has worked on writing projects with elementary schools in Saskatoon as well as mentoring adult writers and doing author presentations. Mary has taught a master’s class in Canadian Children’s Literature at the University of Saskatchewan and literature classes for SUNTEP (Saskatoon Urban Native Teacher Education Program) through the Gabriel Dumont Institute.

Responses from Readers: 

  • “The most interesting books for all ages.”
  • Bishop is so good at slowly building up the tension. I read the story with an increasing sense of dread as the two children explore the tunnels and discover something they never expected… Will the children survive, and will they ever get back to the present day? Bishop really does keep you on the edge of your seat.”
  • “Can’t wait to start reading this book. I loved the first one. So good.”

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