Gina’s Wheels. Mary Harelkin Bishop


  • Format Trade Paperback
  • Author Mary Harelkin Bishop
  • Publish Date September 3, 2014
  • ISBN 978-1-927570-12-8


Description: What would it be like to spend your life in a wheelchair? After meeting Colette Bourgonje, one of Canada’s most accomplished Paralympic athletes, five-year-old Gina explores her own world from her version of a wheelchair. How will this affect Gina when she goes to kindergarten? Based on a true story; a real life Métis story. Includes facts about 10-time Saskatchewan Paralympian Colette Bourgonje.

SK Curriculum: Grades K-2 – ELA, Health Studies, Social Studies

Awards/Honours: Honourable Mention, Children’s Books, 2014 Great Midwest Book Festival
ISBN 978-1-927570-12-8; 32 pages; cover art and 12 illustrations by Diane L. Greenhorn; 4 photos; 8″w x 8″h. © 2014;  Ages 2 to Adult; Children’s creative nonfiction; Canadian Paralympics; Colette Bourgonje; Inspirational; Saskatchewan athlete; Sports; Paralympic cross-country sit-skiing; Acceptance; Tolerance; Inclusiveness; Education; Early readers; Saskatchewan author; Canadian.

About the Author: Mary Harelkin Bishop is an award-winning author of numerous bestselling juvenile historical fiction books. She has been a teacher, a teacher-librarian, and an educational/ instructional consultant with Saskatoon Public Schools, having spent more than half her career working in core neighbourhood schools and First Nations schools. She resides in Saskatoon and has worked on writing projects with elementary schools in Saskatoon as well as mentoring adult writers and doing author presentations. Mary has taught a master’s class in Canadian Children’s Literature at the University of Saskatchewan and literature classes for SUNTEP (Saskatoon Urban Native Teacher Education Program) through the Gabriel Dumont Institute.

Responses from Readers:

  • “This is a great book. What a nice story.”
  • “This book is so important. It needs to exist.”
  • “That’s such a neat story. And it really happened!

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